Grape, fruit, meads and specialty wines
108 Mackinac Rd
Au Gres, MI 48703
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    Error Symbol Due to the Chinese Wuhan Flu, you must confirm any visit with the business before hand. Any visiting hours or days shown here can not be relied upon.
    open 7 days a week
    Michigan’s Sunrise Side has some of the most unique beer and tantalizing wines to be found anywhere. You can sample what the Sunrise Side has to offer on a special tour called the Wine and Hops Trail.

    The Trail consists not only of wineries and breweries but some very special attractions. Make your trip a day, a weekend or a whole week. If you follow our trail you will find many exciting attractions, restaurants, historic sites and much, much more. We hope you enjoy your trip through the Sun
    Call the winery/distillery for more information.
    Ship to states: MI
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