Grantwood is a new boutique winery in the Walla Walla Valley.
2428 W Hwy 12
Walla Walla, WA 99362
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    Fri & Sat 12:00 to 4:30 and call 509 301 9546 for appointment
    Joe Grant and Doris Wood have been making wine for the past ten years using only Walla Walla Appalachian grapes. Their commitment and passion for making a limited quantity (200 cases/year) of amazing wines that are full bodied and yet still ready to drink.

    These wines are complex and for a limited time being solid at ½ the price of many Walla Walla Wines. For two people who grew up in the valley, Joe and Doris are producing some world-class wines
    Ship to states: WA
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